If you are unsure about which jobs relate to your major, the resources below can help you obtain information about the career possibilities.
The U.S. Department of Labor provides the Education Crosswalk Search to help you search a major and the related job titles. Search for a major, select the one that best matches what you study at Cal State LA, and choose a job title from the drop down options to further explore what tasks, skills, and education are required. Wages, employment trends, and professional associations are included.
What Can I Do With This Major? features major profiles with information on common career paths, types of employers that hire in the field, and strategies to maximize opportunities. Professional associations, occupational outlook information, and job search resources are included. Select the major that best matches what you study at Cal State LA.
Watch Career Journey interviews from employees who studied a major and now work in a related field. Filter by major to discover career possibilities; select the major that best matches what you study at Cal State LA. Filter by occupation to hear from employees in a specific field.
Search this list of employers in California who have hired college graduates with the major. Academic majors are listed with general major names, and not all are listed. Find the major that best matches your interest.